Dr Ah Kahn Syed
June 30th, 2021

This is how the CDC and their disciples misrepresent #vaccine data to promote a particular message. And they don't even know they are doing it.

In this case, it's #children.

Follow me...

(src: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-06/05-COVID-Wallace-508.pdf)

This was a presentation to the ACIP last week where the issue of #myocarditis was raised.

The claim is going to be that the benefits of the #covid19 vaccine outweigh the risk of #Myocarditis (ignore other risks).

The first bit is true - there are hardly any cases, and the death rate has plummeted. #Covid19 is no longer a major issue in the US and for children it's a negligible risk at this prevalence

Hospitalisation rates are 1 in 100,000 and have stayed steady. OK

What about deaths? 1 per million. Yep. 1 per million population.

OK so that's too much, I get it. So we need the vaccine.

This is where it gets messy (the presentation goes on to talk about all the scares of unproven syndromes to set the scene, anyway...)

This is now the clincher. This is where they are going to sell the therapy.

The #Pfizer study published in two parts in the infamous @NEJM

Looks impressive eh?

It's a lie

The 95% "efficacy" was purely for covid PCR testing. Symptom efficacy was <20%.

You'll also note that this was only in over 16's. So you can't apply this study to this population.


The vaccine efficacy against "hospitalisation" was NOT 100%. It was NON-SIGNIFICANT.

That's why the CI crosses zero. Numbers were too small to show any effect. This was a lie.

The Pfizer data also showed NO significant mortality difference (I've said this a million times)

And 100% efficacy in adolescents?
Do you know how many SEVERE covid cases there were in UNVACCINATED group in the study you referenced?

ZERO. That's right. Zero.

So how exactly can you get 100% reduction of zero?

So these numbers are junk. They are estimates based on a utopian vision of efficacy.

The real figure for prevention (if any) is more likely to be 10x lower, certainly for hospitalisation and death if not for cases.

Remember cases are like colds in this age group.

So, 0-0.1 deaths prevented (covid) per million doses but up to 70 myocarditis cases

And that is just myocarditis. We don't know how many ovarian failures, blood clots, childhood cancers or any of the other potential adverse effects we have already seen and may see in the future.

It's a shocking lack of grasp of epidemiology and statistics.

Oh and remember that myocarditis is serious. It can result in chronic myocardial injury.

For a child, that will ruin your life. And all for nothing. No proven benefit at all.

